Monday, December 31

Starbucks Planner 2013 Philippine Edition

I am not a coffeeholic but I spent some time trying new flavours of coffee from time to time. I might say I'm a tea lover/holic/drinker rather than any beverages. But then I love writing on planners, doodling/drawing/sketching plans, sketches and some other stuffs. Yearly, I've been so envious to those who got their planners, whichever its brand was, cause I haven't had an A4 planner before.

But now I had touched this 2013 Starbucks planner right between my two hands , I'll never let it go until I got it blogged for my first day of the year.

Still with a hardbound semi-glossy cover, it's more classy and plain. Looks so pro isn't it?

It comes with this cute magnet bookmark in the shape of SB paper cup.

To comply with this quote seen inside the planner, it got postcard and notes to connect with your loved ones too.

Love its magnet lock!

Not just ordinary planners with plain horizontal lines, it goes with quotations that will at least remind you of what you have to do for other's sake.

So say byebye with your old ones and hello to this new organizer!

Got freebies like complimentary upsize and more!


  1. omg the planner is perfect. i love the content... :D did u bought this? or is it a free gift from starbucks? i'm a tea lover too. especially green tea.

    re: hehe...i changed it because the previous url kinda remind me of my crush. hahaha... something happen that make me feel so annoyed, so i decided to forget him. haha. u too! u've been on hiatus for so long. miss u. /hugs/

  2. thank you for dropping by. i hope you''ll be having a great start for 2013 :) gusto ko din ng planner. hehe :)

  3. I also have my 2013 Starbucks planner but I prefer the BDJ for this year. Haha!

  4. Wow! pinangarap ko rin yan pero hindi ko kinaya XD Ahahaha!!!

  5. wow. sana magkaroon din ako ng planner. i have harry potter planner but nakakapanghinayang sulatan! hahaha

  6. owh.. i see.. haha. i'm not a starbucks regular customer. i rarely go there. /cries/ i always had coffee from coffee bean. /cries again/
