I've heard about the shop from a friend of a friend and tried to visit it when I got time to spare last January. It was a coincidence that the store was closed on that particular day (Monday) and resumes the following day, Tuesday. I wasn't sure though, we just heard that from a passerby that time.
Of course we wanted to try it out, so the next day, I searched the net and and found out that they just moved into a better place. As mentioned, it is just blocks away from our office. And finally, we were able to try their dishes.
Patty Batangas is another shop to love if you're into grilled patties and tacos.

Sorry for a spam of burger photos for I haven't had a chance to shot some of the spots, just this photo-note wall that catches everyone's eyes. (Cool, I can see my workmates from here. Look! Haha.)