Sunday, May 17

He Brews Cafe Batangas

Hola amigos y amigas! How are you?

Before, I told myself that I’ll continue blogging. But since I do have my priorities now, I am very apologetic for always being MIA (missing in action) every now and then. For newly opened cafes and burger joints, that, I cannot review like what I did before. For big screen movies, yes, I skipped a lot too. :/ But that's okay. The reason is, I found someone whom I spend my time with, for important and more beneficial things. ❤ I can't wait to share you guys about him, us, and everything in between!

Anyways, enough with the blah blahs. I won't dilly dally again, so here's a hole-in-the-wall cafe located in the small aisle before the former Cut Salon and KFC in P. Burgos Street, Batangas City. (I so hope that I used the right landmarks.)

I do have some shots of the cafe itself but the direct links of the pictures won't work, so I opted to skip that. Since the highlight of my blog is about the menu, please just see them in the cafe's page, and I am going to include that at the end of this review. ^_^

Ok, so let's start with the drinks.

Coffee Caramel (Php70)

Coffee White Choco (Php70)

Coffee Cookies 'n Cream (Php80)

These three drinks vary in sweetness, I think. Coffee Caramel was the best to tick my taste buds since it isn't so bitter (coffee) and not that sweet (caramel). But you can still try the others. :) Just look how lovely they are in mason jars.

They have a reminder at first that they cook slow, so that I find a valid reason for taking some time before the food to arrive on the table.

If you're with a tight budget and craving for an Italian pasta in white sauce, then this cafe is the first one to consider. I am pretty sure that you'll enjoy this dish and your pockets will too!

Carbonara (Php80)

I was pretty impressed when they served the sandwiches for they're using grill-toasted wheat breads. For the past months, wheat breads were always on my to-shop grocery list for the family.

Tuna Apple Melt Sandwich (Php60)

This one's pretty good (don't think that I'm biased cause I love tuna too.) :P

He brews's Sandwich 

I think, this one's their signature dish. (Obviously, it has the cafe's name.) A good layer of wheat bread, mayo, bacon, fresh lettuce and tomatoes, with a serving of potato chips on the side (Lays chips perhaps). Yes, I like it.

Adobo Flakes Benedict (Php70)

In case you do not know, I am an egg-ie. Yes, I can have egg three times a day, seven days a week and thirty days a month. LOL. (I was just kidding.) But I do love eggs in every meal. So then, I had this Adobo Flakes Benedict sandwich for when I saw the word Benedict, it gave me a thought of the Hollandaise sauce oozing on the plate, like what I always do with my fried egg for breakfast. But upon seeing what they served, I felt a bit of injustice. The egg was fully cooked, where's my Benedict? :( Maybe its just me. But the dish itself is nice, but I think they need to cut the salt down a bit.

Adobo Flakes Benedict

Overall, it is still a place I can recommend. :) Next time, I'll post the photos I skipped for this post.

Visit HeBrews Cafe Batangas FB page here.


  1. Ooh, who's the lucky guy? ;)

    I've been here a coupla times, but so far I have always gone for pasta. Gotta try their sandwiches some time, but it can be a pain going there after work. The place is packed like the inside of a sardine can, and there's no space to wait on tables either. :( Otherwise, their budget-friendly offerings just might incite me to brave the after-work crowd again one of these days.

  2. That's a mighty affordable carbonara there. I will try that out the soonest.

    In Transit PH

  3. Aghhh I have this feeling that I want to drop by that place and try their food esp drinks.

    Hope you can visit my blog too and tell me what you think about my recent post. Let me know if you wanna follow each other! All the love. x

    Kept and Found on Midnight Blues

  4. Those coffee drinks look so very sweet but so delicious!! I'm not a fan of white chocolate but combining chocolate and coffee.. .yum. Here at our big coffee chain Espresso House they have frapinos of different sorts, so lovely.

  5. These coffee drinks look so lovely. Maybe too sweet with the white chocolate which I'm not a fan of, but what a nice idea to combine chocolate and coffee... yum.
