Thursday, January 16

Cellebrate Flavors at Foodhallen Amsterdam

Amsterdam, known for its array canals, historic buildings, coffee shops that don't sell coffee, and a whole lot more. Every time we go to visit The Netherlands, it is the place where we land first. Schiphol International Airport is situated southwest of Amsterdam. But aside from that, there's this food hall that they are known for, specially to the visiting foreigners and some locals.

"At the Foodhallen, we celebrate flavors. Flavors of the finest cuisines, flavors of freshness, of Thursdays and birthdays, flavors of good to see you. Served in vibrant venues. Spaces with soul. Curated with care. Powered by the present." - Foodhallen - Amsterdam

It was just the internet that led us here. We do not actually have a place in mind when we planned of visiting Amsterdam. I know we will land where there are food and good stuffs but I only expected to have them on the street. For in The Philippines, we are used of enjoying traditional treats while being careful not to be hit by running vehicles. Anyways, after leaving our car in a P+R area (Park + Ride), we took the metro to get to the city center. There we reached this indoor foodcourt filled with varieties of goodies!

Let's proceed to the good part, shall we?

For our first dish, our starter/appetizer, we had a cheeseboard with bread, cheese, olives and three different kinds of smoked and dry-cured ham (jamon). In Europe, ham and sausage are very popular staple spread (as they call it) on bread or crackers, together with cheese and other jams. They also like to eat them as it is. Who will not give in to that 5-year old curated ham? It was savory, rich, and definitely worth the try.

Kaas Assorti (Bellota) €14

To cleanse our palate, we opted a fresh spring roll of Vietnam with pork filling. Dipped in their signature nuoc mam (fish sauce), a bite is definitely refreshing. We are always a fan of Vietnamese cuisine, so yeah, a roll is just always perfect, every time.

Sapa Pork Vietnamese Spring Roll €7.5

For our last and final treat, we had the famous Dutch meatballs, of course. It came with mayo and mustard dips plus some pieces of pickles. A good finale to our simple food trip.

Dutch Meatballs €5

We could have had much more if the prices are normal. You really need to bring a lot or be ready to spend more if you want to try some of their offerings. So far, we liked the area, it was an experience and we loved the jamon.

Maybe next time, we will just stick to our plan of having traditional street food for lunch.

If ever you want to watch the video we've made, you can click it below. Thank you! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! Amsterdam is such a beaut! I've always wanted to visit there eversince I read The Fault in Our Stars lol. The food looks amazing too!

    Anyway, I followed your blog, I hope it's not too much to ask for a followback. Kunti nalang kasi nagb-blog ngayon eh. :)

    Have a great day to you and your SO!
